I write in the lounge room, in my bedroom, at the dining table, at the cafe, at the library, on the train, sitting outdoors, sitting indoors, swinging in the hammock, and very, very occasionally in my designated writing space, aka our study. The main reason for this being that the study is directly off our kitchen/lounge area, which is often busy and noisy. However, I admit that I can’t access my preferred brain food – hot chocolate and/or cake – so readily from my study, hence the local cafes all know me well. Sometimes I prefer quiet surroundings, while at other times I like writing with a hubbub of people around me. I have fantasies about a studio – a room of my own, with wall-to-wall bookcases, and inspirational images and quotes all over the walls. However, while I’m working on that I have found that good things can come out of being nomadic – sometimes my location, the weather, or something I witness can really influence a scene.
Pictured are a few things in my study that are there to inspire me, in life and in writing.
And now on to my fellow writers, Annabel Smith, Emma Chapman, Dawn Barker, Amanda Curtin and Natasha Lester. Can you guess which writer I’m referring to below? Visit their blogs to find out more!
Which writer has a beautiful new studio decorated with Florence Broadhurst wallpaper? Find out here.
Which writer wrote her first novel in the domed reading room at the State Library of Victoria? Find out here.
Which writer likes to bake with loud music on to get her into the zone? Find out here.
Which writer has crayons and a fairy doll on her desk? Find out here.
Which writer’s studio was once the storeroom of a shop? Find out here.
Dear Sara,
I’m so pleased to see that my image of “Unbroken Spirit” gives you inspiration!!
When people, like yourself, connect with my artwork, it makes what I do even more meaningful.
Thank you,
Hi Alison, how wonderful to receive your message – I’ve had ‘Unbroken Spirit’ on my study wall for years and I still get energy and inspiration from it – it’s magical. I have been busy checking out your website and will put the link up on my post. Thank you so much for getting in touch.