Entries by Sara


How Ursula Le Guin inspired me in 2015

I read a short story in 2015 that left me staring at the wall in dumbfounded awe while I tried to absorb it. The story is ‘The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas’ by Ursula Le Guin, written in 1973. I’m not even going to try to sum it up, I’m just going to urge you […]

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My latest production…

I have been a bit quiet lately, and it’s not just that I have been busy writing my new book. We welcomed our second daughter into the world just over two weeks ago, and I am a very proud and busy mum at the moment. I plan to spend the next few months focusing primarily […]

Terror in Taiji

Yesterday, one hundred bottlenose dolphins were driven into the Taiji Cove. Thirty-two have been captured, while the rest await their fate tomorrow. This probably means that they will be brutally killed. Dolphins are captured every day that the fishermen can find them between September and March. Find out how to add your voice to the […]

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Shallow Breath is officially launched!

I had a fantastic time last night celebrating the launch of Shallow Breath at Tiger Lils in Perth. It was a fabulous turn-out, and I’d like to say a big thank you to everyone who came. As I said last night, writing might be a solitary occupation, but when it comes to getting books out into […]


For the Kimberley

It’s not about rights (though it seems some rights mean more than others?) It’s not about need (who can say about greed) It’s not about whales (or this rare, safe place they calve) It’s not about flora, fauna, or natural heritage (or dinosaur footprints left 130 million years ago) It’s not about a wilderness few will visit (out […]


Only 90,000 words to go…

Signatures have been exchanged, and the deal is done. Most significantly for me at this stage, the deadline has been set. In January 2012, all being well, I will hand over my third novel. I began work in earnest this week, and welcomed back a familiar feeling of giddiness and discomfort – the usual combination […]


Helplessness and people power

Last night, one of the last images I saw before I went to bed was of a terrified Chinese toddler being held at knifepoint in the street by her father. The horror of that situation was not distilled by the frozen photo, the detached computer screen, or the fact I could flick away when I […]