‘All That is Lost Between Us is a skilfully constructed novel that kept me awake long into the night, begging to be read in one sitting.’ readings.com.au (Stella Charls), January 2016
‘This is classic suspense but with a wonderful modern edge.’ Australian Women’s Weekly (Hannah Richell), January 2016
‘This book is a real page-turner, and it gets the moments of tension just right.’ The Incredible Rambling Elimy (Emily Paull), January 2016
‘Foster has an uncanny ability to bring readers into the heart of the suspense, so that they stay up late, hearts thumping, to find out what happens.’ Write Note Reviews (Monique Mulligan), January 2016
‘Foster has produced a tense thriller in All That is Lost Between Us, one with a smart reveal that rewards the reader.’ The West Australian, January 2016
‘Suspense and mystery shrouds this story start to finish’, Beauty and Lace Bookclub, January 2016
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