
It feels like I’ve been in solitary confinement for months! However, I’m so pleased to be able to report that I now have a complete draft of Shallow Breath, and we’ve moved straight on to editing. I’m looking forward to being able to tell you lots more in the coming months, as we head towards publication in Australia in December, so stay tuned.col-md-2

It has been a great 2011 for me, with the publication of Beneath the Shadows in Australia and Germany, and a new contract for my third novel. 2012 looks just as exciting, with publication of Beneath the Shadows in the US, and I’ll be busy finishing Shallow Breath, my new book. I’ll also be appearing at the Perth Writers Festival in February, so there is lots to look forward to.

Wishing you all a wonderful festive season and a very happy 2012.

Sara xcol-md-2

Finally, I have a complete first draft of my new book. It’s called Beneath the Shadows, and it’s a spooky page-turner set on the North Yorkshire moors, as a young woman searches for her husband, who has mysteriously disappeared… Read more here, and keep checking the website for publication updates!col-md-2