So 2012 has arrived, and it’s already looking like an exciting year. I’m looking forward to:

  • finishing my third book, Shallow Breath, getting it into production and telling everybody about it
  • seeing Beneath the Shadows published in America
  • attending the Perth Writers Festival, being involved in discussions and conducting a session on e-marketing
  • starting a brand-new book!

Wishing you all a very happy and healthy 2012 filled with great reading.col-md-2

It has been a great 2011 for me, with the publication of Beneath the Shadows in Australia and Germany, and a new contract for my third novel. 2012 looks just as exciting, with publication of Beneath the Shadows in the US, and I’ll be busy finishing Shallow Breath, my new book. I’ll also be appearing at the Perth Writers Festival in February, so there is lots to look forward to.

Wishing you all a wonderful festive season and a very happy 2012.

Sara xcol-md-2

I found out at the weekend that Beneath the Shadows is on the Premier’s Summer Reading Challenge for 2012. This Challenge is designed for kids and their parents, and reading lists can be found at While taking part you can also raise funds for the Multiple Schlerosis Society. To find out more visit the website: Happy reading!col-md-2

Wintermoor is the German title for Beneath the Shadows, and I had a lovely surprise today to discover it will be in the shops officially from tomorrow, and is already up on a host of online sites. Hello to all you lovely German readers, and here’s the synopsis in German:

Das Moor vergisst nicht.

Ein Jahr ist es her, dass Grace mit ihrer kleinen Tochter das einsame North Yorkshire fluchtartig verließ. Ein Jahr, seit ihr Mann spurlos im Moor verschwand.

Seitdem sucht Grace nach Antworten. Doch als sie jetzt ins Moor zurückkehrt, stößt sie auf eine Mauer des Schweigens. Welches Geheimnis verbergen ihre Nachbarn? Wem kann sie trauen? Und was bedeuten die merkwürdigen Träume? Während Schneestürme das Dorf von der Außenwelt abschneiden, wird Grace klar: Jemand versucht mit allen Mitteln, die Wahrheit vor ihr zu verbergen. Wie weit wird er gehen?col-md-2

I’m well into novel number 3 now, and looking forward to having a first draft ready early next year. I just spent ten days in Japan where I did a little bit of research as well as taking some family holiday time, but that’s all I’ll say for the moment. I hope to be able to put the synopsis/teaser for book 3 up on site early next year, so watch this space.col-md-2

I recently answered 20 questions for If you want to find out which author I’d invite for dinner, or who I think should receive the Nobel Prize for literature, follow this link:

I was delighted when Fiona contacted me to ask me to be part of her latest website project, in which she asks a number of Australian authors to write about and photograph their work spaces. Go to her website and check them out – there are some great names on there, including Matthew Reilly, Lisa Heidke, Tony Park, Bronwyn Parry, Rachael Treasure, Mandy Magro, Jaye Ford, Katherine Scholes and Monica McInerney!col-md-2

I was thrilled to hear that Heather Gudenkauf has read and loved Beneath the Shadows, ahead of its US release early next year. Here’s what she had to say:

Sara Foster’s Beneath the Shadows is a haunting tale of loss and one woman’s search for the truth no matter the consequences. This vividly written novel will leave you breathless and as chilled as the starkly beautiful North Yorkshire moors where this compelling story unfolds.

Heather’s first book, The Weight of Silence, (called Behind the Silence in Australia) was nominated for an Edgar award, and is part of the UK’s The Summer Read. Her latest book, These Things Hidden, was on the February 2011 Indie Next List “Great Reads from Booksellers You Trust”. To find out more visit her website

Thank you so much, Heather!col-md-2

Jayne at the fabulous Australian Bookshelf site invited me to write a guest blog as part of Aussie August month. There’s also a copy of Beneath the Shadows up for grabs, and all you have to do is leave a comment. Offer ends 31 August. Click here to visit the page, or go to